Well, Hello There.

Ever feel like all freelancer, marketing or “personal brand” (ugh) websites feel like we’ve taken all of what makes the person…persony? ME TOO.

Here’s the truth: I think about marketing & social media a lot less than I should, I work to live, not live to work, and I’m pretty skeptical about a lot of things (and maybe not skeptical enough about some things).

Here are some things I’ve been enjoying in 2022 that may give you a better idea of what I’m all about.

Also, if you found this page, its because you have one of my secret hyperlinks that I pepper throughout my website & my emails. If you want, send me an email and tell me you found it and I’ll send you a prize!


Book Cover that says A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet

Becky Chambers Wayfarers Series, which starts with The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, was recommended to me on Audible, but I never tried it until someone gave them to me for Christmas. Thankfully there are four books, and I’m only on number 3, but I’m trying to make it last. These are so, SO good. Get them. Seriously.

I bought Tiny Megaphone’s zine, “How to promote your business without feeling shitty about it” because I follow them on Twitter. I didn’t think I’d use it so much?

But I did. It’s the reason I’m here NOW actually. It’s a delightful mix of marketing advice for small businesses owners/creatives and some no-nonsense, much needed critique of social. I love it. Get it now!


My playlist “Flowing” is where I put all my aerial practice music. It’s three hours of a bunch of random stuff that I pull from my weekly recommendations - everything from not quite classical to video game music to a few 90s indie tunes. This playlist keeps growing because EVERYTHING I practice to that resonates get dumped in here.

A friend was watching one of my Instagram videos and told me that the sound wasn’t on, but it synced perfectly with this Philip Glass album. So now, of course, I’m required to listen to it nonstop. It’s great background music, or, if you feel like it - put it on and move a bit.


My movement practice hasn’t been on hold, but my blog about dance (Grounded Flyers), has been. I realized I actually prefer dancing than…writing about dance, but I’ve been thinking about ways to disprove myself on that.

That being said, I get a lot of people asking about getting started with dance or movement, and I always give different answers, but I have a new one - I joined Marlo Fisken’s Spinal Flow Upgrade recently. Mostly because I have Chronic Ballet Spine, which is characterized by an inability to move my ribs and spine the way I’d like. Her program focuses less on ::DOING DANCE:: and more on DOING MOVEMENT and I love it. For me, its a supplement to my normal training, but for someone with no established practice, it could be a gateway to an incredible (low impact) daily practice.